William Dinsmore in Genealogy Books

William Dinsmore appears in at least 95 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for William Dinsmore

Some Dinsmore genealogy : being some of the descendants of Capt. Abel Dinsmore, one of the earliest settlers of Conway, Mass.

The earliest history and genealogy covering nearly three hundred years, from about 1600-1891, of the Dinsmoor-Dinsmore family of Scotland, Ireland and America : with that of many of their descendants and additional facts relating to the sixtee

Vital records of Methuen, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849

Biographical and historical memoirs of Adams, Clay, Webster and Nuckolls counties, Nebraska, comprising a condensed history of the state, a number of biographies of distinguished citizens of the same, a descriptive history of each of the counties mentioned, and numerous biographical sketches of the citizens of such counties ..

The history of the town of Bowdoinham, 1762-1912

Annual reports of the town officers of Westmoreland, N.H, 1909-1911

Annual report of the municipal officers of the town of Sanford

Biographical and historical memoirs of Adams, Clay, Hall and Hamilton counties, Nebraska, comprising a condensed history of the state, a number of biographies of distinguished citizens of the same, a brief descriptive history of each of the counties mentioned, and numerous biographical sketches of the citizens of such counties ..

Vital records of old Bristol and Nobleboro in the county of Lincoln, Maine : including the present towns of Bremen, Damariscotta, South Bristol, and the plantation of Monhegan, Vol. 2

Biographical and historical memoirs of Adams, Clay, Hall and Hamilton counties, Nebraska : comprising of a condensed history of the state, a number of biographies of distinguished citizens of the same, a brief descriptive history of each of the

A genealogical history of the Jennings families in England and America

History of Northfield, New Hampshire, 1780-1905 : in two parts, with many biographical sketches and portraits, also pictures of public buildings and private residences

Vital records of Wrentham, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

Pennsylvania archives. Fifth series, vol. 6

The Kelloggs in the old world and the new

Chronicles of the builders of the commonwealth : historical character study

History of Wayne County, Indiana : together with sketches of its cities, villages and towns

History of Wayne County, Ohio : from the days of the pioneers and first settlers to the present time

Ancestors and descendants of Phineas and Polly Gage Dunsmoor who came to Washington County, Ohio in 1822

Comprehensive index, 1875-1930, to collections, biennial reports, and publications of the Kansas State Historical Society

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