William Dibble in Genealogy Books

William Dibble appears in at least 83 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for William Dibble

Vital statistics of Seymour, Conn.

Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society v. 9

The Index library

Record of Pennsylvania volunteers in the Spanish-American War, 1898

Historic towns of the Connecticut River Valley

The registers of the parish of Wandsworth in the county of Surrey, 1603-1787

Somerset parish registers. Marriages. V. 6

Switzerland County, Indiana marriage records, 1831-1885 : part I - grooms; part II - brides

Record of Pennsylvania volunteers in the Spanish-American War, 1898

The Hull family in America

Your ancestors, a national magazine of genealogy and family history - v. 4, no. 11-12 Nov-Dec 1950

The Whitney family of Connecticut and its affiliations : being an attempt to trace the descendants, as well in the female as the male lines, of Henry Whitney, from 1649 to 1878; to which is prefixed some account of the Whitneys of England. V. 2

Burying grounds of Sharon, Connecticut, Amenia and North East, New York; being an abstract of inscriptions from thirty places of burial in the above named towns

Middlesex parish registers, marriages. V. 3

History of Chenango and Madison counties, New York : with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers

History of Sullivan County, Pennsylvania

Vital statistics of Seymour, Conn.

Genealogical gleanings of Siggins, and other Pennsylvania families; a volume of history, biography and colonial, revolutionary, civil and other war records including names of many other Warren County pioneers

Macon, Georgia newspaper clippings : Weekly telegraph, Vol. 5

History of the counties of McKean, Elk, Cameron and Potter, Pennsylvania, with biographical selections : including their early settlement and development; a description of the historic and interesting localities; sketches of their cities, towns and villages; portraits of prominent men; biographies of representative citizens; outline history of Pennsylvania; statistics

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