William Det in Genealogy Books

William Det appears in at least 27 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for William Det

Houston city directory

Year book (United Church of Christ)

Annual report of the Adjutant General of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations for the year 1865, Vol. 1. Infantry regiments

Records of Louisiana Confederate soldiers and Louisiana Confederate commands. V. 3 Bk. 1

History of the 107th Infantry U.S.A

Records of Louisiana Confederate soldiers and Louisiana Confederate commands ..

History of Allen County in the World War v. 01

Records of officers and men of New Jersey in wars 1791-1815

The registers of St. Nicholas, Ipswich, Co. Suffolk. Baptisms, 1539-1709. Burials, 1551-1710. Marriages, 1539-1710

Fayette facts (Fayette County, Illinois) - v. 3, no. 2 (June 1974)

Honor roll album of Bayfield County men and women who served in World War II

DeWitt County, Illinois, cemetery inscriptions, vol. 3

History of the state of Nebraska : containing a full account ... of its early settlements...; also an extended description of its counties, cities, towns and villages... biographical sketches..


Familien Collett og Christianialiv i gamle dage;

The registers of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, London; Vol. 01

Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record Office--Edward I, Vol. 1. 1272-1279

600 days' service : a history of the 361st infantry regiment of the United States Army

Personhistorisk tidskrift

History of Jay County, Indiana : including its world war record and incorporating the Montgomery history; v. 01

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