Wayne Decker in Genealogy Books

Wayne Decker appears in at least 46 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Wayne Decker

S. U. Goodwin's Allen County gazetteer and business directory for 1862

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

Williams' Fort Wayne directory, city guide, and business mirror : volume 1, 1858-'59

Directory and soldiers' register of Wayne County, Indiana

Williams' Fort Wayne Directory, city guide and business mirror, for 1864-1865

Williams' Fort Wayne Directory, city guide and business mirror, for 1864-1865

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

Directory of Henry County rural residents : containing the names and post office addresses of same also showing the value of personal property, and the number of acres each own

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

Effingham County, Illinois tombstone inscriptions, vol. 13

Counties of LaGrange and Noble, Indiana : historical and biographical

Biographical and historical record of Jay and Blackford counties, Indiana : a condensed history of the state of Indiana, portraits and biographies of some of the prominent men of the state, with personal histories of many of the leading familie

History of Strongsville, Cuyahoga County, Ohio : with photographs

History of the Three Hundred Fiftieth Regiment of U. S. Infantry, Eighty-Eighth Division, American Expeditionary Forces

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