Vernon Deering in Genealogy Books

Vernon Deering appears in at least 21 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Vernon Deering

The New Hampshire register and United States calendar

The New Hampshire register and United States calendar

The New Hampshire register and United States calendar

The New Hampshire register and United States calendar

The New Hampshire register and United States calendar

Street list of persons assessed for poll taxes, Reading, Massachusetts

Abrose Kasson, his ancestors and descendants

History of Bedford, New Hampshire, being statistics compiled on the occasion of the one hundredth anniversary of the incorporation of the town, May 19th, 1850

Independence, Kansas, city directory - 1975

Polk Portland, Maine, city directory

History of Royalton, Vermont, with family genealogies 1769-1911, Vol. 1

Colony, province, state, 1623-1888: history of New Hampshire

The history of the town of Lyndeborough, New Hampshire, 1735-1905

The New Hampshire register and United States calendar

Portrait and biographical record of Buchanan and Clinton counties, Missouri : containing biographical sketches...together with biographies and portraits of all the presidents of the United States

Jacob Perkins of Wells, Maine and his descendants, 1583-1936

Portland city directory

"Maine register, state year-book and legislative manual"

The Granite monthly : a magazine of literature, history and state progress

The New Hampshire register and United States calendar

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