Todd Dorsey in Genealogy Books

Todd Dorsey appears in at least 37 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Todd Dorsey

The Warfields of Maryland

The Virginia magazine of history and biography

Register of the Maryland Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 1915- 1938

The Virginia magazine of history and biography

The founders of Anne Arundell and Howard counties, Maryland : a genealogical and biographical review from wills, deeds and church records

The founders of Anne Arundell and Howard counties, Maryland : a genealogical and biographical review from wills, deeds and church records, 1973

The Dorsey family : descendants of Edward Darcy-Dorsey of Virginia and Maryland for five generations ; and allied families

Ancestral colonial families--genealogy of the Welsh and Hyatt families of Maryland and their kin : giving the colonial generations of the Howard, Hammond, Maccubbin, Griffith, Greenberry, Dorsey, Van Sweringen, Baldwin, Gaither, Warfield and Du

Lineage book (DAC) v.01 ; Lineage book (Daughters of the American Colonists)

Emison families, revised : origin and history of the Kentucky Emisons, with partial genealogies and notes on Emisions [sic] of Virginia, Tennessee, Long Island and Massachusetts : also the following collateral families, Baird, Holmes, Clark, Love, Posey-Wade, Allen, Dunning, Ruby, Reiley, Rabb, Braun, James, Chalke, Weaver, Sinclair, Blackburn, Buckley, Randall, Chew, Browne, Porter, Shipley, Mansell, Gassaway, Sheperd, Montague-Johnson-Straughn- Haynie-Grimes, Dutton, Gee, Barr, Simpson, McCord, Hogue, Patterson- Cullop, Scott, McClellan, Brevoort, Mantle, McFarland, McClure, Barkley, Snell, Briscoe, Mitchell, McHatton, Hoopes

Register of the Maryland Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 1891- 1915

The Armistead family, 1635-1910

Proceedings of the Fifty-fifth communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge F.A.A.M. : held at Rocky Mount, North Carolina, December 8-9, 1925

History of the National Society

The Armistead family and collaterals : among others Anderson, Cate, Harrison, Mayo, Nelson, Phipps, Tabb, Waller

Living descendants of blood royal; v. 1

The Virginia Todds

The Armistead family, 1635-1910

The War of the Rebellion : a compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate armies; ser. 01, v. 13

Lineage book of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 089

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