Sunday Domini in Genealogy Books

Sunday Domini appears in at least 20 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Sunday Domini

Genealogical records : manuscript entries of births, deaths and marriages, taken from family Bibles, 1581-1917

The Lower Norfolk County Virginia antiquary; Vol. 01 - 03

Notes and queries

Miscellanea IX


The Winchester troper : from MSS. of the Xth and XIth centuries : with other documents illustrating the history of tropes in England and France


Sussex archaeological collections relating to the history and antiquities of the county

Notes relating to the family of Streynsham, of Feversham, Kent, originally


Publications of the Scottish History Society

The North Carolina historical and genealogical register - v. 3, no. 3 (July 1903)

The Cartulary of the Monastery of St. Frideswide at Oxford

John Neill of Lewes, Delaware, 1739, and his descendants

Archives of Maryland v. 8

Churches between the mountains : a history of the Lutheran congregations in Perry County, Pennsylvania

Church records of the Netherlands - Roman Catholic

The North Carolina historical and genealogical register

Archives of Maryland

The registers of Morden, Surrey, 1634-1812

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