Son Duane in Genealogy Books

Son Duane appears in at least 34 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Son Duane

Ancestors and 5650 descendants of Elias Pulsipher and Polly Chubbuck

Boyer's legal directory of the United States and Canadas

General register of the members of the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity, 1850-1920

Americana - v. 27, no. 3 Jul 1933

Idaho Falls (Bonneville County, Idaho) city directory : contains buyers' guide and a complete classified business directory - 1966

Trow's general directory of the boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx, city of New York

Trow's general directory of the boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx, city of New York

The Bordner and Burtner families : and their Bortner ancestors in America

Kettenring family

Journal of American genealogy (National Historical Society) - v. 1, no. 4 Oct-Dec 1921

The Springer family tree, Vol. 6

Cemetery inscriptions & notes; v. 03

Idaho cemetery records : includes cemeteries by counties in Idaho; Vol. 03

Pepperell, Massachusetts, city directory

National year book (Sons of the American Revolution) - 1915

Cemetery records of [name of cemetery] in Odessa, Texas, centennial years 1891-1991; v. 01

Salt Lake City (Utah) city directories - 1961

National year book

National year book

A national register of the Society Sons of the American Revolution

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