Son Decker in Genealogy Books

Son Decker appears in at least 66 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Son Decker

Polk's Indianapolis (Marion County, Ind.) city directory

Indiana State gazetteer and business directory

History of the Kuykendall family since its settlement in Dutch New York in 1646 : with genealogy as found in early Dutch church records, state and government documents, together with sketches of colonial times, old log cabin days, Indian wars,

A compilation of some of the descendants of William Beer, born in Ireland in 1717

A national register of the Society Sons of the American Revolution

Business directory and history of Wabaunsee County

Williams' Ohio state directory containing a full list of the names of persons, firms, institutions and incorporated companies engaged in business in the cities and towns of Ohio, a shippers' guide, United States post office directory, etc., etc

Idaho cemetery records : includes cemeteries by counties in Idaho; Vol. 03

Hudson-Mohawk genealogical and family memoirs : a record of achievements of the people of the Hudson and Mohawk valleys in New York state included within the present counties of Albany, Rensselaer, Washington, Saratoga, Montgomery, Fulton, Sche; Vol. 04

Kettenring family

The New Hampshire genealogical record : an illustrated quarterly magazine devoted to genealogy, history, and biography : official organ of the New Hampshire Genealogical Society

Official bulletin of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution

A compilation of some of the descendants of William Beer, born in Ireland in 1717

Friends intelligencer

Judith Ann Wood McAuliffe genealogical collection : Wood family, Vol. 6

Wade Charles Wightman genealogical collection; v. 01

Richmond, Indiana, city directory

Polk's Indiana State gazetteer and business directory

Linden leaves - 1947

Tolman, Hanks, Willey family book of remembrance and genealogy : with allied lines

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