Simeon Daggett in Genealogy Books

Simeon Daggett appears in at least 36 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Simeon Daggett

Green's Connecticut annual register and United States Calendar

Vital records of Taunton, Massachusetts, to the year 1850; Vol. 1

Green's Connecticut annual register and United States Calendar

Green's Connecticut annual register and United States Calendar

Green's Connecticut annual register and United States Calendar

Green's Connecticut annual register and United States Calendar

Green's Connecticut annual register and United States Calendar

History of New Haven County, Connecticut v.1

History of Cass County, Indiana : from the earliest time to the present, edited by Thomas B. Helm ; with biographical sketches, notes, etc., together with an extended history of the Northwest, the Indiana Territory, and the state of Indiana.

Genealogy of the Graves family in America

Chronicles of New Haven Green from 1638 to 1862 : a series of papers read before the New Haven Colony Historical Society

Lineage book of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 138

Herringshaw's national library of American biography : contains thirty-five thousand biographies of the acknowledged leaders of life and thought of the United States; v. 1

Genealogy of the Bliss family in America : from about the year 1550 to 1880 ... including the compilations of Judge Oliver Bliss Morris ... and Sylvester Bliss

Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790, Massachusetts

A history of the town of Industry, Franklin County, Maine, from the earliest settlement in 1787 down to the present time, embracing the cessions of New Sharon, New Vineyard, Anson, and Stark. In two parts, including the history and genealogy of many of the leading families of the town

History of Cass County, Indiana : From the earliest time to the present ... : together with an extended history of the Northwest, the Indiana Territory, and the state of Indiana

The Holmans in America : concerning the descendants of Solaman Holman who settled in West Newbury, Massachusetts, in 1692-3 one of whom is William Howard Taft, the President of the United States, including a page of the other lines of Holmans in America, with notes and anecdotes of those of the name in other countries

Green's Connecticut annual register and United States Calendar

Collections of the Worcester Society of Antiquity

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