Seth Daggett in Genealogy Books

Seth Daggett appears in at least 36 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Seth Daggett

Genealogical record of the Hodges family of New England, ending December 31, 1894

Genealogical record of the Hodges family of New England ending December 31, 1894

The Babbitt family history,1643-1900

Vital records of Tisbury, Massachusets, to the year 1850

Vital records of Tisbury, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

The Shepard families of New England, Vol. 1

History of Tioga County, Pennsylvania : with illustrations, portraits & sketches of prominent families and individuals

The history of Martha's Vineyard, Dukes County, Massachusetts, vol. 3

Danforth genealogy : Nicholas Danforth, of Framlingham, England, and Cambridge, N. E. [1589-1638] and William Danforth, of Newbury, Mass. [1640-1721] and their descendants

Lineage book V. 90

Cape Cod Genealogical Society. Bulletin, v.31

Genealogical memoir of the Newcomb family containing records of nearly every person of the name in America from 1635 to 1874 : also the first generation of children descended from females who have lost the name Newcomb by marriage, with notices of the family in Elgin, Ill., 1874

Lineage book V. 113

Lineage book of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 133

Genealogical and family history of the state of Maine;

Lineage book

John Wood of Rhode Island and his early descendants on the mainland

Lineage book of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 113

A history of the town of Industry, Franklin County, Maine, from the earliest settlement in 1787 down to the present time, embracing the cessions of New Sharon, New Vineyard, Anson, and Stark. In two parts, including the history and genealogy of many of the leading families of the town

Lineage book of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 147

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