Scott Donovan in Genealogy Books

Scott Donovan appears in at least 17 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Scott Donovan

Johnson County North, KS Polk city directory - 2013 (v. 1)

Williams' Ohio state directory containing a full list of the names of persons, firms, institutions and incorporated companies engaged in business in the cities and towns of Ohio, a shippers' guide, United States post office directory, etc., etc

Rock - 1985

The Kansas City genealogist - v. 18, no. 4 (spring 1978)

Savitar - 1964

History of Vigo county, Indiana, with biographical selections, S.B. Nelson

The Cane Ridge meeting-house

Newton, Massachusetts, city directory

History of Lawrence, Massachusetts, with war records

The Union regiments of Kentucky

History of Taunton, Massachusetts, from its settlement to the present time

Rambles in the Pee Dee basin, South Carolina, vol. 1

The county families of the United Kingdom

Geer's Hartford directory, including West Hartford and East Hartford, Connecticut

Baltimore County, Maryland wills, Vols. 21-23

Kingston upon Hull & district military monumental inscriptions

The history of the island of Antigua : one of the Leeward Caribbees in the West Indies, from the first settlement in 1635 to the present time

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