Sawyer Damon in Genealogy Books

Sawyer Damon appears in at least 18 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Sawyer Damon

Vital records of Reading, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

Invoice and taxes of the town of Antrim, New Hampshire : taken April 1, 1920-1930

enealogical history of the town of Reading, Mass. : including the present towns of Wakefield, Reading, and North Reading, with chronological and historical sketches, from 1639 to 1874

Andrew Newcomb, 1618-1686, and his descendants : a revised edition of "Genealogical memoir" of the Newcomb family published 1874 by John Bearse Newcomb, Elgin, Illinois

Lake Shore gazetteer, and Cleveland and Toledo Railroad business directory, 1866-67

Genealogical memoir of the Newcomb family containing records of nearly every person of the name in America from 1635 to 1874 : also the first generation of children descended from females who have lost the name Newcomb by marriage, with notices of the family in Elgin, Ill., 1874

The Argonauts of California, being the reminiscences of scenes and incidents that occurred in California in early mining days;

Confederate veteran (Nashville, Tennessee), Vol. 5

History of the town of Springfield, Vermont, with a genealogical record, 1752-1895

Vital records of Leominster, Massachusetts to the end of the year 1849

Massachusetts year book and business directory of every town and city in the state

The genealogy of the Cushing family 1905 to 1969 : an account of the descendants of Matthew Cushing, who came to America in 1638

The Chicago city directory for 1902

Invoice and taxes of the town of Antrim, New Hampshire : taken April 1 - 1932

Clark's Boston blue book : the ?lite private address, carriage and club directory, ladies' visiting list and shopping guide ..

"story of Worcester County, Massachusetts : with biographical sketches of many of its pioneers and prominent men V.2"

Invoice and taxes of the town of Antrim, New Hampshire : taken April 1 - 1931

A national register of the Society Sons of the American Revolution

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