Sarah Dame in Genealogy Books

Sarah Dame appears in at least 62 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Sarah Dame

Vital records of Newburyport, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849 v. 2

Visitation of England and Wales, notes, Vol. 12

Manchester, New Hampshire, city directory

Hartford times : newspaper queries 1937-1946; Vol .19

Visitation of England and Wales, notes, Vol. 14

Probate Records of the Province of New Hampshire, Vol. 1 1635-1717 State Papers Ser. V. 31

Irish marriages, being an index to the marriages in Walker's Hibernian magazine, 1771-1812 : with an appendix

[New Hampshire provincial and state papers]

Visitation of England and Wales, Vol. 21

[Provincial and state papers]

Probate records of the province of New Hampshire, Vol. 1, 1635-1717.

Vital records of Reading, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

Visitation of England and Wales, Vol. 18

The Wentworth genealogy, comprising the origin of the name, the family in England, and a particular account of Elder William Wentworth, the emigrant, and of his descendants

History of the Reed family in Europe and America

A Census of pensioners for Revolutionary or military services : with their names, ages, and places of residence, as returned by the marshals of the several judicial districts, under the act for taking the sixth census

Genealogy of the descendants of Nicholas Hodsdon-Hodgdon of Hingham, Mass., and Kittery, Maine, 1635-1904

Abstracts of probate acts in the Prerogative court of Canterbury, Vol. 4. 1644-1649

Miscellanea IX

Visitation of England and Wales, notes, Vol. 7

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