Samuel Dunlap in Genealogy Books

Samuel Dunlap appears in at least 134 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Samuel Dunlap

Historical and genealogical record of the first settlers of Colchester County

Historical and genealogical record of the first settlers of Colchester county. Down to the present time, comp. from the most authentic sources

History of Carroll and Harrison Counties, Ohio

Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States. - 1846-1847

History of Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania : with illustrations descriptive of its scenery, palatial residences, public buildings, fine blocks and important manufactories, from original sketches by artists of the highest ability

Illinois historical, Crawford County biographical

History of Bedford, New Hampshire, being statistics compiled on the occasion of the one hundredth anniversary of the incorporation of the town, May 19th, 1850

A history of Rockbridge County, Virginia

History of Brunswick, Topsham, and Harpswell, Maine, including the ancient territory known as Pejepscot

The Jamesons in America, 1647-1900 : genealogical records and memoranda

Memorial biographies of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Towne Memorial Fund. v. 1-9: 1845-97

History of Rockingham and Strafford counties, New Hampshire, with biographical sketches of many of its pioneers and prominent men

The Union regiments of Kentucky

One hundred years of the Iowa Presbyterian Church

Pennsylvania archives. Fifth series, vol. 6

Boston marriages from 1700 to 1751

Official manual of the State of Missouri - 1911-1912

History of Pelham, Mass., from 1738 to 1898 : including the early history of Prescott ..

History of Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania : with illustrations ...

Historical collections of Ohio in two volumes : an encyclopedia of the state, history both general and local, geography with descriptions of its counties, cities and villages, its agricultural, manufacturing, mining and business devolopment, sk

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