Roy Dooley in Genealogy Books

Roy Dooley appears in at least 14 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Roy Dooley

Illinois State directory of members and ancestors

Orendorff genealogy

Illinois blue book, 1919-1920

Probate records of Livingston County, Missouri; v. 03

Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, and school committee, of the town of Londonderry : for the financial year ending ..

Missions : a Baptist monthly magazine - v. 18, no. 9 (Oct. 1927)

Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, and school committee, of the town of Londonderry : for the financial year ending, 1907-1911

Missouri cousins

Those who served in World War II in the Armed Forces and on the home front from Harvey County, Kansas

The Journal of the American-Irish Historical Society

200 family trees from France to Canada to U.S.A., Vol. 74

The story of a dozen generations, Index

The Gann gazette : a publication of the Gann Family Historical Society, Inc., vol. 27

Charn cuimhne : to our Scots of North Carolina

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