Richmond Dinwiddie in Genealogy Books

Richmond Dinwiddie appears in at least 27 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Richmond Dinwiddie

Calendar of Virginia state papers and other manuscripts, Vol. 10

Notes on southside Virginia

United States official postal guide - Jan. 1902

Texans who wore the gray

Virginia local history : a bibliography

Directory and soldiers' register of Wayne County, Indiana

Annual index to genealogical periodicals and family histories - v. 6 (1961)

Dinwiddie family records, with especial attention to the line of William Wathall Dinwiddie, 1804-1882

Ledbetters from Virginia

Some prominent Virginia families; Vol. 01

Historical collections of the Georgia chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 2

A Hornbook of Virginia history

Colonial families of America, Vol. 14

Under the stars and bars ; a history of the Surry Light Artillery ;

United States official postal guide

Federal population censuses 1790-1890 : a catalog of microfilm copies of the schedules

The old free state : a contribution to the history of Lunenburg County and southside Virginia

The history of the Virginia federal convention of 1788, with some account of eminent Virginians of that era who were members of the body

Richmond, Virginia, city directory

The Yarbrough family quarterly : the continuation of the "Yarborough family magazine" - v. 8, no. 3 (Mar. 1999)

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