Richmond Davis in Genealogy Books

Richmond Davis appears in at least 800 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Richmond Davis

Richmond, Indiana, and Wayne County, Indiana, directory

Polk Richmond, Indiana, city directory

Polk Richmond, Indiana, city directory

Confederate veteran (Nashville, Tennessee), Vol. 24

Harper's pictorial history of the Civil War, Vol. 2

Confederate veteran (Nashville, Tennessee), Vol. 38

The War of the Rebellion : a compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate armies; ser. 01, v. 51, pt. 02

Confederate veteran (Nashville, Tennessee), Vol. 19

Southern Historical Society papers

Confederate veteran (Nashville, Tennessee), Vol. 16

Southern Historical Society papers

The history, civil, political & military, of the Southern Rebellion : from its incipient stages to its close ... Vol.2

A comprehensive and popular history of the United States : embracing a full account of the discovery and settlement of the country ... and events down to the present time

The rebellion record : a diary of American events, vol. 2

Confederate veteran (Nashville, Tennessee), Vol. 4

Confederate veteran (Nashville, Tennessee), Vol. 23

Indian wars and pioneers of Texas

Confederate veteran (Nashville, Tennessee), Vol. 6

Confederate veteran (Nashville, Tennessee), Vol. 15

Prison life of Jefferson Davis. : Embracing details and incidents in his captivity, particulars concerning his health and habits, together with many conversations on topics of great public interest

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