Richard Dea in Genealogy Books

Richard Dea appears in at least 64 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Richard Dea

History of the Town of Surry, Cheshire County, New Hampshire : from date of severance from Gilsum and Westmoreland, 1769-1922, with a genealogical register and map of the town

History and genealogical register of the town of Langdon, Sullivan County, New Hampshire from the date of its severance from Walpole and Charlestown, from 1787 to 1930, with a map of the town

The history of ancient Wethersfield, Connecticut : comprising the present towns of Wethersfield, Rocky Hill, and Newington; and of Glastonbury prior to its incorporation in 1693, from date of earliest settlement until the present time, vol. 2

The Doolittle family in America

Historical and genealogical researches, and recorder of passing events of Merrimack Valley : being a repository of antiquities relating to the history, biography, genealogy, heraldry, archaeology, chronology, chorography, topography, and natural history; together with the statistics of the Merrimack Valley in New England

Genealogical and personal memoirs relating to the families of Boston and eastern Massachusetts v. 4

The Doolittle family in America

History of Jaffrey (Middle Monadnock) New Hampshire : an average country town in the heart of New England, vol. 2

Genealogical and personal memoirs, Massachusetts : relating to the families of Boston and Eastern Massachusetts, Vol. 4

History of the town of Surry, Cheshire County, New Hampshire : from date of severance from Gilsum and Westmoreland, 1769-1922, with a genealogical register and map of the town

The Harris family : Thomas Harris in Ipswich, Mass, in 1636, and some of his descendents, through seven generations, to 1883

The Cup - 1942

Saco Valley settlements and families : historical, biographical, genealogical, traditional, and legendary

Genealogy & history : devoted to American family and local history, and allied interests - v. 7, no. 8 (Dec. 1946)

Genealogical and family history of the state of Connecticut; a record of the achievements of her people in the making of a commonwealth and the founding of a nation

The Hollister family of America : Lieutenant John Hollister of Wethersfield, Connecitcut, and his descendants

Ware genealogy : Robert Ware, of Dedham, Massachusetts, 1642-1699, and his lineal descendants

The history and genealogies of ancient Windsor, Connecticut : including East Windsor, South Windsor, Bloomfield, Windsor Locks, and Ellington, 1635-1891 v. 1

Catalogue of the trustees, instructors and students of Kimball Union Academy, at Meriden Village, Plainfield, N.H. for the year ending ..

Hartford times : newspaper queries 1937-1946; Vol .19

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