Rebecca Dana in Genealogy Books

Rebecca Dana appears in at least 57 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Rebecca Dana

Vital records of Natick, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

Vital records of Princeton, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849

The Fish family in England and America : genealogical and biographical records and sketches

The record of births, marriages and deaths in the Town of Dedham, Massachusetts, Vol. 2

Vital records of Princeton, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849

Rising genealogy - composite index of names & family histories : for four volume set of Rising family genealogy published in 1983

The history of Waterford, Oxford County, Maine

Tate families of the south, Vol. 2

History of Hudson, N.H. : formerly a part of Dunstable, Mass., 1673-1733, Nottingham, Mass., 1733-1741, District of Nottingham, 1741-1746, Nottingham West, N.H., 1746-1830, Hudson, N.H., 1830-1912

The descendants of Henry Doude, who came from England in 1639

Willis Gregory family history, 1785 to 1968

The descendants of Joseph Loomis, who came from Braintree, England in 1638, and settled in Windsor, Connecticut in 1639 [2nd ed., rev. and enl.]

Polk's El Dorado (Butler County, Kans.) city directory - 1995

The Tenney family, or, The descendants of Thomas Tenney of Rowley, Massachusetts, 1638-1904, revised with partial records of Prof. Jonathan Tenney

Epitaphs from the old burying ground in Groton, Massachussetts

The descendants of Andrew Warner

Records of the Church of Christ at Cambridge in New England, 1632-1830 : comprising the ministerial records of baptisms, marriages, deaths, admission to covenant and communion, dismissals and church proceedings

American ancestry : giving name and descent, in the male line, of Americans whose ancestors settled in the United States previous to the Declaration of Independence, A. D. 1776

Vital records of Beverly, Massachusetts, to the end of year 1849; v. 01

A genealogical and historical register of the descendants of Edward Morris of Roxbury, Mass,. and Woodstock, Conn.

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