Pleasant Double in Genealogy Books

Pleasant Double appears in at least 21 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Pleasant Double

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

R.L. Polk & Co.'s Allen County directory, 1906

Fort Wayne city and Allen County directory

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

History of Missouri Baptists

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

Williams' Cincinnati directory, city guide and business mirror

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

S. U. Goodwin's Allen County gazetteer and business directory for 1862

A gazetteer of the United States of America

A complete history of Mississippi Baptists from the earliest times. V. 2

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

The international standard encyclopedic world atlas and gazetteer

Notes on southside Virginia

Wilcox County, Georgia newspaper clippings, Vol. 3

Confederate veteran (Nashville, Tennessee), Vol. 12

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