Philip Drummer in Genealogy Books

Philip Drummer appears in at least 29 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Philip Drummer

Muster rolls of the Pennsylvania volunteers in the War of 1812-1814 : with contemporary papers and documents; ser. 02, v. 12

Pennsylvania archives. Fifth series, vol. 2

Pennsylvania; a history V.2

Pennsylvania in the War of the Revolution, battalions and line, 1775-1783, Vol. 1

Pennsylvania archives. Sixth series. V. 08

Pennsylvania archives. Second series : printed under direction of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Series 2 Vol 10

Archives of Maryland

Pennsylvania archives. Sixth series, Vol. 8

Revolutionary war records : Virginia army and navy forces with bounty land warrants for Virginia Military District of Ohio, and Virginia military script, from federal and state archives

Pennsylvania archives. Fifth series. V. 07

Massachusetts soldiers and sailors of the Revolutionary War : a compilation from the archives; Vol. 03

The Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography

Biographical and portrait cyclopedia of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania : comprising a historical sketch of the county by Samuel T. Wiley ; together with about five hundred and fifty biographical sketches of the prominent men and leading citizens of the county; carefully revised and edited by Henry W. Ruoff.

The state records of North Carolina

The Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography - v. 28 (1904)

Virginia county records

History of the Town of Easton Mass v.1

A History of the Juniata Valley and its people v. 1

"Pennsylvania archives. Fifth series, vol. 8 Series 5"

Pennsylvania archives. Second series. V. 15

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