Page Dat in Genealogy Books

Page Dat appears in at least 15 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Page Dat

Lutheran cemetery records of Cuming and Stanton Counties, Nebraska

The Herts genealogist and antiquary

Stowers families of America : from records gathered from many, many faithful relatives and friends, Vol. 3

A volume relating to the early history of Boston containing the Aspinwall notarial records from 1644 to 1651

Records of the Suffolk county court, 1671-1680; vol. 1

The Herts genealogist and antiquary, Vol. 1

A report of the Record Commissioners of the city of Boston containing the Selectmen's minutes, Vol. 32

Early marriages of Clay County, Kentucky, 1807-1854


Descriptive catalogue of Derbyshire charters in public and private libraries and muniment rooms

The Herts genealogist and antiquary

Virginia county records

St. Matthew's Cathedral, Episcopal Church, parish register, Laramie, Wyoming; Sept. 13, 1868 - Aug. 21, 1881

The Herts genealogists and antiquary, Vol. 2

The Herts genealogist and antiquary, Vol. 3

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