North Dutton in Genealogy Books

North Dutton appears in at least 33 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for North Dutton

History of the city of New Haven to the present time : with biographies, portraits and illustrations, Part 1

The history of Augusta, from the earliest settlement to the present time: with notices of the Plymouth Company, and settlements on the Kennebec; together with biographical sketches and genealogical register

Vital records of New Haven, 1649-1850 Pt.2

History of the town of Cornish, New Hampshire, with genealogical record 1910-1960 : volume 3 supplemental, narrative and genealogy

Contributions to the ecclesiastical history of Connecticut;

Visitation of England and Wales

Williams' Ohio state directory containing a full list of the names of persons, firms, institutions and incorporated companies engaged in business in the cities and towns of Ohio, a shippers' guide, United States post office directory, etc., etc

Nottinghamshire parish registers, marriages. V. 11

Catalogue of the books in the Irish section

Obituaries from the Sullivan daily times; v. 1930

Nottinghamshire parish registers. Marriages

Delaware County, New York; history of the century, 1797-1897. Centennial celebration, June 9 and 10, 1897

Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 23] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others

Annual report

The Medford historical register

Papers of the New Haven Colony Historical Society

Biographical review: this volume contains biographical sketches of the leading citizens of Franklin County, Massachusetts

Everton's genealogical helper - v. 11, no. 3 Sep 1957

Massachusetts year book and business directory of every town and city in the state

The genealogical record of the Schwenkfelder families : seekers of religious liberty who fled from Silesia to Saxony and thence to Pennsylvania in the years 1731 to 1737. V. 1

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