Nathan Daggett in Genealogy Books

Nathan Daggett appears in at least 31 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Nathan Daggett

Vital records of Nantucket, Massachusetts to the year 1850, vol. 3

Vital records of Nantucket, Massachusetts to the year 1850, vol. 4

History of the town of Surry, Cheshire County, New Hampshire : from date of severance from Gilsum and Westmoreland, 1769-1922, with a genealogical register and map of the town

History of the Town of Surry, Cheshire County, New Hampshire : from date of severance from Gilsum and Westmoreland, 1769-1922, with a genealogical register and map of the town

Massachusetts soldiers and sailors of the revolutionary war : a compilation from the archives

A history of Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, from the earliest explorations to the present time, 1776-1885

Green's Connecticut annual register and United States Calendar

History of Saint Louis city and county, from the earliest periods to the present day, including biographical sketches of representative men, Vol. 1

Records of the Massachusetts volunteer militia called out by the Governor of Massachusetts to suppress a threatened invasion during the war of 1812-14

Wood genealogy and other family sketches : genealogical memoranda of a branch of the Wood family in England and America; also sketches of related families, including Daniels, Fraser, Pease, Newey, Mullineux, Owens, Harger, Pohl, Roser, Boyson a

The Jewell register : containing a list of the descendants of Thomas Jewell of Braintree, near Boston, Mass.

History of Providence County, Rhode Island

Davel, Davell, Davol, Dee, Deuel, Devel, Devele, Devell, Devol, Devoll, Devolld, Dewel, Dewell, Dival, Divall, Devell, Dobill, Duel, Duell, Duval and Duvall families in America from 1615-1957 : genealogy and history, Vol. 1

History of Androscoggin County, Maine ..

An Outline history of Tioga and Bradford counties in Pennsylvania, Chemung, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins and Schuyler in New York : by townships, villages, boro's and cities

History of Swansea, Massachusetts, 1667-1917

A history of the town of Industry, Franklin County, Maine, from the earliest settlement in 1787 down to the present time, embracing the cessions of New Sharon, New Vineyard, Anson, and Stark. In two parts, including the history and genealogy of many of the leading families of the town

A history of the town of Industry, Franklin County, Maine, from the earliest settlement in 1787 down to the present time, embracing the cessions of New Sharon, New Vineyard, Anson, and Stark. In two parts, including the history and genealogy of many of the leading families of the town

History of Providence County, Rhode Island, Vol. 2

"Vital record of Rehoboth, 1642-1896 : marriages, intentions, births, deaths, with supplement containing the record of 1896, colonial returns, lists of the early settlers, purchasers, freemen, inhabitants, the soldiers serving in Philip's War an"

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