Nancy Daniels in Genealogy Books

Nancy Daniels appears in at least 61 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Nancy Daniels

Vital records of Milford, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

Historical statistics of Harlan County, Kentucky : (Location: Adjoined historical Cumberland Gap, Tenn., until Bell Co., Ky. was taken off of same, 1867)

Family record of the Henderson and Whiddon families and their descendants : with a muster roll of Company G, 14 Ga. regiment; Company F, 57th Ga. regiment; Company B, 10th Ga. Battalion; Company F, 49th Ga. regiment; Company A, 61sst Ga. regime

Vital records of Medfield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

The Kelloggs in the old world and the new

Griffon - 1958

Early Connecticut marriages as found on ancient church records prior to 1800; v. 3

The Howard genealogy, descendants of John Howard of Bridgewater, Massachusetts from 1643 to 1903

Biographical review, this volume contains biographical sketches of the leading citizens of Delaware County, New York

A Portrait and biographical record of Allen and Van Wert Counties, Ohio : containing biographical sketches of many prominent and representative citizens, together with biographies and portraits of all the presidents of the United States, and bi

Cape Cod Genealogical Society. Bulletin, v.30

The Waterman family, Vol. 1

History of Woonsocket

Alla rah : the Junior annual of the College of Emporia - 1958

Hartford times : newspaper queries 1937-1946; Vol .19

The Wildbores in America : a family tree; v. 02

Vital records of Framingham, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

Annual reports of the town officers of the town of Leicester, Massachusetts

Gosney family : records 1740-1940 and related families

Our Haddon, McClure, Curry and allied families

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