Morgan Donelson in Genealogy Books

Morgan Donelson appears in at least 18 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Morgan Donelson

Mercer centennial, 1872-1972

Official records of the Union and Confederate navies in the War of the Rebellion. Ser. 1 V. 22

History of the state of Kansas : containing a full account of its growth from an uninhabited territory to a wealthy and important state; of its early settlements; a supplementary history and description of its counties, cities, towns and villages

Indiana history bulletin - v. 52, no. 9 (September 1975)

Confederate military history; a library of Confederate States history

Confederate military history; a library of Confederate States history

"Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois, 1861-1866, Vol. 3"

History of Morgan County, Ohio, with portraits and biographical sketches of some of its pioneers and prominent men

History of Tazewell County, Illinois : together with sketches of its cities, villages and townships, biographies, history of Illinois

Writings of Tennessee counties available on interlibrary loan from the Tennessee State Library and Archives, State Library Division

Confederate veteran (Nashville, Tennessee), Vol. 4

Goffs / Goughs : their ancestors & descendants, vol. 18-20

History of Sanpete and Emery Counties, Utah : with sketches of cities, towns and villages, chronology of important events, records of Indian wars, portraits of prominent persons, and biographies of representative citizens

Memorial history of Louisville from its first settlement to the year 1896, Vol. 1

Confederate veteran (Nashville, Tennessee), Vol. 19

1880 history of Christian County, Illinois (condensed), Vol. 3-4

A twentieth century history and biographical record of north and west Texas. Capt. B.B. Paddock, editor

Harper's pictorial history of the Civil War, Vol. 2

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