Mon Dei in Genealogy Books

Mon Dei appears in at least 21 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Mon Dei

Inventarium diplomaticum historiae Saxoniae Inferioris et omnium ditionum Brunsvico-Luneburgicarum; das ist, Verzeichniss derer Urkunden der Historie von Nieder-Sachsen und aller Chur- und Fürstlich-Braunschweig-Lüneburgischen Staaten, darinnen Kaiserliche, Königliche, Chur- und Fürstliche und andere Schenkungen, Privelegia, auch das Reich, Stifter, Klöster, Universitäten, den Adel, Stadte und Dörfer angehende Dokumente ... Ausgefertiget von Polycarp Gottlieb Hempel

The obituary roll of William Ebchester and John Burnby, priors of Durham : with notices of similar records preserved at Durham, from the year 1233 downwards, letters of fraternity, etc.

Studies in English Franciscan history : being the Ford Lectures delivered in the University of Oxford in 1916

Fontes rerum Austriacarum. 2. Abt. Diplomataria et acta

Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch der freiherrlichen Häuser : zugleich Adelsmatrikel der im Ehrenschutzbunde des Deutschen Adels vereinigten Verbande

The history of the church known as the Unitas Fratrum : or the Unity of the Brethern, founded by the followers of John Hus, the Bohemian reformer and martyr

Notes and queries

The Dictionary of national biography; Vol. 05

Humana Civilitas (Staat, Kirche und Kultur.) eine Dante-Untersuchung

Sussex archaeological collections relating to the history and antiquities of the county

"The history and antiquities of the county of Hertford, Vol. 1 : compiled from the best printed authorities and original records ..."

Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society

Zeitschrift für die Geschichte des Oberrheins (Volume 25)

Cartularium prioratus de Gyseburne, Ebor. dioeceseos, Ordinis s. Augustini, fundati A. D. MCXIX ..

Close rolls of the reign of Henry III


"Close rolls of the reign of Henry III preserved in the Public Record Office, Vol. 3. 1234-1237"

The church historians of England : Reformation period

The history of the Norman conquest of England, its causes and its results

Councils and ecclesiastical documents relating to Great Britain and Ireland

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