Michael Drummer in Genealogy Books

Michael Drummer appears in at least 28 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Michael Drummer

Pennsylvania in the War of the Revolution, battalions and line, 1775-1783, Vol. 1

Pennsylvania archives. Second series : printed under direction of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Series 2 Vol 10

"Pennsylvania archives. Fifth series, Vol. 3"

Pennsylvania archives. Fifth series. V. 03

"Pennsylvania archives. Fifth series, vol. 8 Series 5"

Pennsylvania archives. Fifth series, vol. 2

Pennsylvania; a history V.2

Pennsylvania archives. Fifth series. V. 08

History of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, including a genealogical and biographical record of manyfamilies and persons... : with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers in the county

Massachusetts soldiers and sailors of the Revolutionary War : a compilation from the archives; Vol. 03

Derbyshire parish registers. Marriages

Old and new Westmoreland

Massachusetts soldiers and sailors of the Revolutionary War : a compilation from the archives; Vol. 06

History of Berks County, Pennsylvania in the Revolution, from 1774 to 1783

Annals of Buffalo Valley, Pennsylvania, 1755-1855

Massachusetts soldiers and sailors of the Revolutionary War : a compilation from the archives; Vol. 12

Derbyshire parish registers, marriages. V. 10

Pennsylvania archives. Sixth series. V. 08

Kentucky pensioners of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and Indian Wars

Pennsylvania archives. Sixth series, Vol. 8

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