Mary Dooley in Genealogy Books

Mary Dooley appears in at least 75 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Mary Dooley

Sorting some of the Wrights of Southern Virginia : part 1: 1763 Thomas Wright of Bedford County, his wife Mary (___) Wright, and their descendants, vol. 4

History of the Simon Mills family through his son John Mills and grandson Joseph Mills of Simsbury, Conn., Vol. 2

Sorting some of the Wrights of Southern Virginia : part 1: 1763 Thomas Wright of Bedford County, his wife Mary (___) Wright, and their descendants, vol. 3

Vital records of Salem, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849 v. 1

Leftwich-Turner families of Virginia and their connections

History and family record of the Dooley family 1755-1933

Genealogy & history : devoted to American family and local history, and allied interests - v. 7, no. 3 (Apr. 1946)

History and family record of the Dooley family 1718-1914

Who's who in America - 40th ed v. 1 (1978-1979)

The Dulin family America

Genealogical collections concerning the Scottish house of Edgar

The Huguenot Bartholomew Dupuy and his descendants

Rock County, Wisconsin farm & ranch directory - 1966

American women; the standard biographical dictionary of notable women

The Huguenot Bartholomew Dupuy and his descendants

History of Buchanan County and the city of St. Joseph and representative citizens : 1826 to 1904

James Thompson of Holden, Mass., and his descendants

Abstract of title : [Lake County, Indiana]; Vol. 443

First annual catalogue and year-book of the Indiana State Conference of the Christian denomination, and of the district conferences in the state of Indiana.

The Pritchard family history : the Virginia line from Thomas, Jamestown immigrant, with related families of Tichenell, Nestor, and Meredith, and including memoirs of Ernest Markwood Pritchard

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