Mary Daggett in Genealogy Books

Mary Daggett appears in at least 110 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Mary Daggett

Vital records of Edgartown, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

The history of Martha's Vineyard, Dukes County, Massachusetts, Vol. 3

Inscriptions copied from tombstones : New Jordan Cemetery, Taft Cemetery, Pine Plains Cemetery, Brick Church Cemetery, Cort Cemetery, Sterling Cemetery

History of Androscoggin County, Maine ..

Vital records of Norton, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

Paver's marriage licenses; Vol. 43

Doty-Doten family in America : descendants of Edward Doty, an emigrant by the Mayflower, 1620

Index of Revolutionary War pension applications; Vol.01

Register of the Society of Colonial Wars in the District of Columbia

American ancestry : giving name and descent, in the male line, of Americans whose ancestors settled in the United States previous to the Declaration of Independence, A. D. 1776

Lineage book V. 113

Titus family in America : eleven generations of the direct line from Robert Titus I to Dorothy Madalene Titus and Bursley Howland Titus XI and an appendix

Index to the contents of the Vermont historical gazetteer compiled, edited and published by Abbie M. Hemenway; prepared under the direction of George W. Wing.

Paver's marriage licences

Lineage book of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 113

"Vital record of Rehoboth, 1642-1896 : marriages, intentions, births, deaths, with supplement containing the record of 1896, colonial returns, lists of the early settlers, purchasers, freemen, inhabitants, the soldiers serving in Philip's War an"

A genealogy of the descendants of Richard Porter, who settled at Weymouth, Mass., 1635, and allied family : also some account of the descendants of John Porter, who settled at Hingham, Mass., 1635, and Salem (Danvers), Mass., 1644

Vital records of Newburyport, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849 v. 2

Carpenters' encyclopedia of Carpenters : William Carpenter, born 23 May 1605 of Wiltshire, England and who died 7 February 1658/59, his ancestors and descendants, a study of the Rehoboth, MA branch of the Carpenter family in America; Vol. F


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