Martha Dixon in Genealogy Books

Martha Dixon appears in at least 125 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Martha Dixon

History of Charles Dixon, one of the early English settlers of Sackville, N.B.

The Parish register Skipton-in-Craven, 1592-1812; Vol. 02

The Publications of the Thoresby Society : miscellanea -; v. 10

Shropshire parish registers : Lichfield Diocese; Vol. 14

The parish register of Skipton-In-Craven, 1680-1771


Old Kittery and her families

The registers of the parish of Middleton in the County of Lancaster. Christenings, Burials, and weddings


The registers of the parish church of Rothwell, Co. York; pt. 02

The registers of Dewsbury, Yorkshire

The North Carolinian : a quarterly journal of genealogy and history - v. 6, no. 2 (June 1960)

The Registers of the parish church of Leeds; Vol 10

Vick family newsletter : a publication of the Joseph Vick Family of America, Inc. - v.8,no.1 Jan 1992

Biographical and genealogical history of the state of Delaware : containing biographical and genealogical sketches of prominent and representative citizens, and many of the early settlers v. 1

Registers of Bradfield, in the diocese of York, 1559-1722

Wilkinson County, Georgia, wills 1817-1920 : with genealogical information

Family records of Smith County, Tennessee (Carthage, Tenn. County seat) as given the US census taker in 1870; Vol. 01


Russell families of seventeenth century New England

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