March During in Genealogy Books

March During appears in at least 525 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for March During

CMH Pub 7-9-1 The Last Offensive

The New Zealand official year-book : 1959 : sixty-fourth issue

1928 Vol.26 Liahona, the Elders' journal

History of the state of Kansas : containing a full account of its growth from an uninhabited territory to a wealthy and important state; of its early settlements; a supplementary history and description of its counties, cities, towns and villages

1923 Vol.21 Liahona, the Elders' journal

History of the Scottish Highlands : Highland clans and Highland regiments, with an account of the Gaelic language, literature, and music

1936 Vol.34 Liahona, the Elders' journal

Confederate veteran (Nashville, Tennessee), Vol. 17

History of Cuyahoga County, Ohio in three parts : part first-general history of the county; part second-history of Cleveland; part third-history of the townships with portraits and biographical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers

Kansas : a cyclopedia of state history, embracing events, institutions, industries, counties, cities, towns, prominent persons, etc... with a supplementary volume devoted to selected personal history and reminiscence Vol 2

History of Cuyahoga County, Ohio : in three parts, general history of the county, history of Cleveland, history of the townships, with portraits and biographical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers

Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute

The formation of the state of Oklahoma (1803-1906)

Genealogical and family history of western New York; a record of the achievements of her people in the making of a commonwealth and the building of a nation

1938 Vol.36 Liahona, the Elders' journal

Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 20

Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute

Suffolk deeds; Vol. 09

A report of the Record Commissioners of the city of Boston containing the Selectmen's minutes, Vol. 3

Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute

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