March Du in Genealogy Books

March Du appears in at least 154 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for March Du

Report on Canadian Archives - 1888

Report on Canadian archives

Anne Boleyn; a chapter of English history. 1527-1536

The American historical review

History of northern Wisconsin, containing an account of its settlement, growth, development, and resources; an extensive sketch of its counties, cities, towns and villages, their improvements, industries, manufactories; biographical sketches, portraits of prominent men and early settlers; views of county seats, etc. ..

Pennsylvania colonial records. V. 6

Commemorative biographical record of Ulster County, New York : containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens, and of many of the early settled families

The American historical review

The De Forests of Avesnes (and of New Netherland) : a Huguenot thread in American colonial history, 1494 to the present time, with three heraldic illustrations

The popular encyclopedia; being a general dictionary of arts, sciences, literature, biography, history, and political economy, reprinted from the American edition of the "Conversations lexicon" ... with dissertations on the rise and progress of literature

Old families of Louisiana

Dod's peerage, baronetage, knightage, etc. of Great Britain and Ireland for ..., including bishops, members of the privy councils, companions of all orders, etc

History of Milwaukee, Wisconsin : from pre-historic times to the present date, embracing a summary sketch of the native tribes, and an exhaustive record of men and events for the past century; describing, the city, its commercial, religious, ed

The De Forests of Avesnes, and of New Netherland, a Huguenot thread in American colonial history, 1494 to the present time : with three heraldic illustrations

Baptismal and marriage registers of the old Dutch church of Kingston, Ulster County, New York

History of Delaware, 1609-1888 V.2

The territorial papers of the United States; Vol. 27

Biographical directory of the American Congress, 1774-1927 : the Continental Congress, September 5, 1774 to October 21, 1788 and the Congress of the United States from the First to the Sixty-ninth Congress, March 4, 1789 to March 3, 1927, inclu

The early generations to the Du Pont and allied families

Armorial families; a complete peerage, baronetage, and knightage, and a directory of some gentlemen of coat-armour, and being the first attempt to show which arms in use at the moment are borne by legal authority

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