Lucy Dodge in Genealogy Books

Lucy Dodge appears in at least 109 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Lucy Dodge

Vital records of Wenham, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849

Vital records of Salem, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849 v. 4

Vital records of Belfast Maine, to the year 1892 ..

Vital records of Salem, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849 v. 2

Early records of the Dodge family in America

The Hartford Times genealogical queries, answers, and note file; Vol .01a

Woburn records of births, deaths, and marriages, Vol. 2 Part 2

Vital records of Groton, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849

Vital records of Belfast, Maine, to the year 1892, vol. 2

History of Westminster, Massachusetts : first named Narragansett, no. 2, from the date of the original grant of the township to the present time, 1728-1893, with a biographic- genealogical register of its principal families

Vital records of Rowley, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849; v. 01

Mack genealogy : the descendants of John Mack of Lyme, Connecticut; with appendix containing genealogy of allied families, etc., Vol. 1

Crocker genealogy

History of Francestown, N.H., from its earliest settlement, April 1758, to January 1, 1891 : with a brief genealogical record of all the Francestown families

The prominent families of the United States of America; v. 01

History of the city of Toledo and Lucas County, Ohio, Vol. 2

Herrick genealogy : a genealogical register of the name and family of Herrick, from the settlement of Henerie Hericke in Salem, Massachusetts, 1629 to 1846; with a concise notice of their English ancestry

Genealogical collections concerning the Scottish house of Edgar

Lineage book of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 145

Gazetteer of Cheshire County, N.H., 1736-1885

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