Lucy Dewitt in Genealogy Books

Lucy Dewitt appears in at least 30 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Lucy Dewitt

Lineage book V. 109

The Dulin family America

Andrew Newcomb, 1618-1686, and his descendants : a revised edition of "Genealogical memoir" of the Newcomb family published 1874 by John Bearse Newcomb, Elgin, Illinois

American library directory : A classified list of libraries, with names of librarians and statistical data, compiled biennially

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

Our heritage, Vol. 2

Barber genealogy (in two sections) : section 1: descendants of Thomas Barber of Windsor, Connecticut, 1614- 1919; section 2: descendants of John Barber of Worcester, Massachusetts, 1714-1919

Descendants of Joseph Loomis : who came from Braintree, England, in the year 1638, and settled in Windsor, Conn., in 1639

The Giles memorial : genealogical memoirs of the families bearing the names of Giles, Gould, Holmes, Jennison, Leonard, Lindall, Curwen, Marshall, Robinson, Sampson, and Webb; also genealogical sketches of the Pool, Very, Tarr and other families, with a history of Pemaquid, ancient and modern; some account of early settlements in Maine; and some details of Indian warfare

Polk Richmond, Indiana, city directory

The Conrad clan : family of John Stephen Conrad, Sr. and allied lines

ODriscoll v.07; O'Driscoll quarterly : and other variations of O'Driscoll (Driskell, Driskill, Driscoll, Driscall, Driscal, Driskel, etc.)

History of Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, from its first settlement in 1779, to the present time

The Wildbores in America : a family tree; v. 01

History of Chautauqua County, New York, and its people

Lineage book of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 114

James Clark Owens And Families

A genealogy of the families of John Rockwell of Stamford, Conn., 1641, and Ralph Keeler of Hartford, Conn., 1639

Some cemeteries of the Between the Lakes Country (portions of Seneca, Schuyler, and Tompkins Counties, N.Y.), Vol. 3

Index to the probate records [of] Jefferson County, Missouri

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