Louis Diego in Genealogy Books

Louis Diego appears in at least 43 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Louis Diego

History of San Diego County

Who's who in America - 40th ed v. 1 (1978-1979)

Historical and biographical record of southern California; containing a history of southern California from its earliest settlement to the opening year of the twentieth century

Almanach de Gotha

Almanach de Gotha

Almanach de Gotha

A history of Missouri

Almanach de Gotha

The undeveloped west ; or, five years in the territories : being a complete history of that vast region between the Mississippi and the Pacific, its resources, climate, inhabitants, natural curiosities, etc.

American women; the standard biographical dictionary of notable women

The Madsens of Mt. Pleasant, Utah

All these kinfolk : being the ancestors, descendents, and distant cousins of Beverly Rae Russell Brown and Norvil Leary Brown, Vol. 4

Almanach de Gotha

Official army register - 1930

Almanach de Gotha

The Blauvelt news : official publication of the Association of Blauvelt Descendants - v. 10, no. 2 (June 1966)

Almanach de Gotha

Almanach de Gotha

Almanach de Gotha

600 days' service : a history of the 361st infantry regiment of the United States Army

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