Lord Days in Genealogy Books

Lord Days appears in at least 152 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Lord Days

Publications of the Scottish History Society

The Lutheran movement in England during the reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI, and its literary monuments

Pennsylvania archives. Second series : printed under direction of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Vol. 2

Publications of the Scottish History Society

A complete history of England : with the lives of all the kings and queens thereof; from the earliest account of time, to the death of His late Majesty King William III. Containing a faithful relation of all affairs of state, ecclesiastical and civil

Pennsylvania archives. Second series. V. 02

A collection of all the ecclesiastical laws, canons, answers, or rescripts, with other memorials concerning the government, discipline and worship of the Church of England, from its first foundation to the Conquest ... and of all the canons and constitutions ecclesiastical, made since the Conquest and before the Reformation ... Now first translated into English with explanatory notes

Administration of Governor William Franklin, 1767-1776

The Parliamentary or constitutional history of England, from the earliest times, to the restoration of King Charles II

The book of days, a miscellany of popular antiquities in connection with the calendar : including anecdote, biography, and history curiosities of literature and oddities of human life and character

The book of days, a miscellany of popular antiquities in connection with the calendar : including anecdote, biography, and history curiosities of literature and oddities of human life and character

Archives of Maryland

Bible records from New Jersey's Monmouth County Historical Association Library, Vol. 6. P-Si

An abridgement of Mr. Baxter's History of his life and times : with an account of the ministers, &c. who were ejected after the restauration of King Charles II, and the continuation of their history, to the passing of the bill against occasional conformity in 1711

Miscellanies literary and religious

The British magazine and monthly register of religious and ecclesiastical information, parochial history and documents respecting the state of the poor, progress of education, etc

The American book of days : a compendium of information about holidays, festivals, notable anniversaries and Christian and Jewish holy days with notes on other American anniversaries worthy of remembrance

1913-1914 Vol.11 Liahona, the Elders' journal

The Friend : a religious and literary journal

History of Annie C. Malmstrom

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