London Doyle in Genealogy Books

London Doyle appears in at least 39 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for London Doyle

The Gentleman's and citizen's almanack ... for the year

Archivium hibernicum; or, Irish historical records

Notes and queries

Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society - v. 15 (1911)

The early English dissenters in the light of recent research, 1550-1641

Sussex archaeological collections relating to the history and antiquities of the county

Index Society Publications; Index of obituary notices, 1882

The Gentleman's and citizen's almanack ... for the year

Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, with additions

General alumni catalogue of George Washington University, chartered by Congress; the Columbian College, act of Congress, approved Feb. 9, 182l; the Columbian University, act of Congress, approved March 3, 1873; the George Washington University, act of Congress, approved Jan. 23, 1904

Kelly's handbook of distinguished people

History of the county of Middlesex, Canada. From the earliest time to the present, and including a department devoted to the preservation of personal and private records, etc

The Dictionary of national biography; Vol. 10

The Politics of Divine Wisdom, Theosophy and Labour, National, and Women's Movements in Indonesia and South Asia 1875-1947

Some account of the family of Jalland : originally of Whatton, in the county of Nottingham, 1535-1878

Historical notes on English Catholic Missions

The genealogist

The registers of baptisms and marriages at St. George's chapel, May Fair

Dod's peerage, baronetage and knightage of Great Britain and Ireland for ..., including all the titled classes

The Book of knowledge

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