London Dates in Genealogy Books

London Dates appears in at least 16 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for London Dates

Sussex - Records of Early English Drama

London : a short history with maps and illustrations

Herefordshire Worcestershire - Records of Early English Drama

Friends' review; a religious, literary and miscellaneous journal

The Dictionary of national biography; Vol. 06

A complete body of heraldry: containing, an historical enquiry into the origin of armories, and the rise and progress of heraldry, considered asa science ... The proper methods of blazoning and marshalling armorial bearings ... The arms, quarterings, crests, supporters, and mottos, of all sovereign princes and states; as also the atchievements of the peers, peeresses, and baronets, of England, Scotland, and Ireland. An historical catalogue of all the differentorders of knighthood ... The arms of the counties, cities, boroughs, and towns corporate, in England and Wales; and of the abbies and religious houses founded therein: as also those of the royal boroughs in Scotland; and of the societies, bodies corporate, trading companies, &c. in London. The arms of archiepiscopal and episcopal sees in England and Ireland, and of those heretofore established in Scotland ... A discourse on the origin, use, and abuse, of funeral trophies. Glover's Ordinary of arms, augm. and improved; an alphabet of arms, containing upwards of fifty thousand coats, with their crests, &c. and a copious glossary, explaining all the technical terms used in heraldry ..

Idaho cemetery records : includes cemeteries by counties in Idaho; Vol. 02

Notes and queries

Notes and queries

The early history of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John the Baptist, London; with notices of the lives of some of its eminent members

A Jewish calendar for sixty-four years, detailing the new moons, festival and fasts : with the sections of the law as read in the synagogues every sabbath during the year..;

Notes and queries

Hartford times : genealogical queries and answers, 1918-1966 - 1956-1957

Everton's genealogical helper - v.48,no.3 (May/June 1994)

History of New London County, Connecticut : with biographical sketches of many of its pioneers and prominent men

An advanced history of England ; from the earliest times to the present day

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