Ll Durfee in Genealogy Books

Ll Durfee appears in at least 21 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Ll Durfee

Catalogus senatus academici, et eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt, quique honoribus academicis donati sunt

Proceedings of the New-England Historic Genealogical Society : at the annual meeting, 5 January, 1898 with memoirs of deceased members and list of members, April 1, 1898

Recollections of olden times: Rowland Robinson of Narangansett and his unfortunate daughter : with genealogies of the Robinson Hazard, and Sweet families of Rhode Island

General alumni catalogue of George Washington University, chartered by Congress; the Columbian College, act of Congress, approved Feb. 9, 182l; the Columbian University, act of Congress, approved March 3, 1873; the George Washington University, act of Congress, approved Jan. 23, 1904

Memorial biographies of the New England Historic Genealogical Society; Vol. 01

The Massachusetts register

Memorial biographies of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Towne Memorial Fund. v. 1-9: 1845-97

Fifty years ago today historical reprints from the Salt Lake Tribune Apr-July 1897

History of Kent County, Michigan : together with sketches of its cities, villages and townships; biographies of representative citizens; history of Michigan

The Chad Browne memorial, consisting of genealogical memoirs of a portion of the descendants of Chad and Elizabeth Browne, 1638-1888 : with an appendix containing sketched of other early Rhode Island settlers

Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society : v. 1 of the sixth series

Proceedings of the Rhode Island Historical Society


The New England historical and genealogical register

The National cyclopedia of American biography, Vol. 9 : being the history of the United States as illustrated in the lives of the founders, builders, and defenders of the republic, and of the men and women who are doing the work and moulding the though

Bibliographia genealogica americana : an alphabetical index to American genealogies and pedigrees contained in state, county and town histories, printed genealogies, and kindred works


Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society

Recollections of olden times : Rowland Robinson of Narragansett and his unfortunate daughter with genealogies of the Robinson, Hazard, and Sweet families of Rhode Island

Rolls of membership of the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, 1844-1891

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