Lawrence Dinwiddie in Genealogy Books

Lawrence Dinwiddie appears in at least 21 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Lawrence Dinwiddie

A portrait and biographical record of Boone, Clinton and Hendricks Counties, Ind. : containing biographical sketches of many prominent and representative citizens, together with biographies and portraits of all of the presidents of the United States, and biographies of the governors of Indiana

Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester

A portrait and biographical record of Boone, Clinton, and Hendricks counties, Ind. : containing biographical sketches of many prominent and representative citizens, together with biographies and portraits of all the presidents of the United States

Chetham miscellanies

A portrait and biographical record of Boone and Clinton Counties, Indiana : containing biographical sketches of many prominent and representative citizens ... and biographies of the Governors of Indiana

First explorations of Kentucky : Doctor Thomas Walker's journal ... also Colonel Christopher Gist's journal ...

600 days' service : a history of the 361st infantry regiment of the United States Army

American reference library : by America's leading authors. Pictorial; v. 02

History of pioneer Kentucky

A Portrait and biographical record of Allen and Van Wert Counties, Ohio : containing biographical sketches of many prominent and representative citizens, together with biographies and portraits of all the presidents of the United States, and bi

A portrait and biographical record of Delaware county, Ind. : containing biographical sketches of many prominent and representative citizens, together with biographies and portraits of all of the presidents of the United States, and biographies of the governors of Indiana

The Writings of George Washington : from the original manuscript sources 1745-1799; Vol. 1

The Biographical cyclopaedia and portrait gallery with anhistorical sketch of the State of Ohio, vol. 1

A Portrait and biographical record of Mercer and Van Wert Counties, Ohio : containing biographical sketches of many prominent and representative citizens, together with biographies of all the presidents of the United States, and biographies of

History of the United States : from aboriginal times to the present day, vol. 2

West Virginia historical magazine quarterly

Some Virginia marriages, 1700-1799, vol. 6-12

A popular history of the United States of America, from the aboriginal times to the present day : embracing an account of the aborigines; the Norsemen in the new world; the discoveries by the Spaniards, English, and French; the planting of sett

History of Pittsburgh and environs, from prehistoric days to the beginning of the American revolution. V. 1

History of the colony and ancient dominion of Virginia

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