June Dit in Genealogy Books

June Dit appears in at least 15 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for June Dit

200 family trees from France to Canada to U.S.A., Vol. 72

List of lands granted by the crown in the province of Québec from 1763 to 31st December 1890. V. 2

John of Gaunt's Register Volume 1

Dod's peerage, baronetage and knightage of Great Britain and Ireland for ..., including all the titled classes

National Genealogical Society quarterly

Pen pictures from the garden of the world, or Santa Clara county, California

200 family trees from France to Canada to U.S.A., Vol. 71

Pen pictures from the garden of the world, or Santa Clara county, California

Visitation of England and Wales

The Scottish antiquary, or, Northern notes & queries

Shropshire parish registers : Lichfield Diocese; Vol. 14

The Scottish antiquary; or, Northern notes & queries

Report on Canadian archives

History of Saint Louis city and county, from the earliest periods to the present day, including biographical sketches of representative men, Vol. 1

National Genealogical Society quarterly

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