Joseph Dudley in Genealogy Books

Joseph Dudley appears in at least 578 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Joseph Dudley

Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen, vol. 3

Supplement to the history and genealogy of the Dudley family

Supplement to the history and genealogy of the Dudley family

Leavitts of America : genealogy compiled for Mrs. James Alanson Eldredge of Woods Cross, Utah

The Dudley genealogies and family records


The descendants of Joseph Carter and Magdalene Chastain

The New Hampshire register and United States calendar

The history of the Dudley family; containing the genealogy of each branch in various countries, from their first settlement in America, and tracing the ancestry back to the Norman Conquest of England

Joseph Atkins: the story of a family

Commemorative biographical record of New Haven County, Connecticut : containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens, and of many of the early settled families, Vol. 2, Part 1

Collections for a history of Staffordshire

Register of officers and members of the Society of Colonial Wars 1897-1898 : constitution of the General society

The Averell-Averill-Avery family : a record of the descendants of William and Abigail Averell of Ipswich, Massachusetts, Vol. 2

The New Hampshire register and United States calendar

Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society : vol. 2 of the sixth series

Vital records of Roxbury, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, Vol. 2

A report of the Record Commissioners of the city of Boston containing the Selectmen's minutes, Vol. 11. 1884, records of Boston selectmen, 1701- 1715

History of the Dudley family : with genealogical tables, pedigrees, &c

Junior Branches of the family of Sutton, alias Dudley

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