Jonathan Damon in Genealogy Books

Jonathan Damon appears in at least 44 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Jonathan Damon

Vital records of Reading, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

"History of Middlesex County, Massachusetts, with biographical sketches of many of pioneers and prominent men, Vol 1"

Scituate MassachusettsVital Records to the year 1850

Jonathan Lindley, the Paoli pioneer

Westbrook family genealogy of Ulster, Orange, Pike and Sussex Counties

A history and description of New England, general and local

Putnam's monthly historical magazine

Records of the Massachusetts volunteer militia : called out by the governor of Massachusetts to suppress a threatened invasion during the War of 1812-14

Successful Vermonters, a modern gazetteer of Caledonia, Essex, and Orleans counties : containing an historical review of the several towns and a series of biographical sketches of the men of mark who have won distinction in their several callin

Records of the Massachusetts volunteer militia called out by the Governor of Massachusetts to suppress a threatened invasion during the war of 1812-14

Essex Institute historical collections

A calendar of wills and administrations relating to the county of Dorset : proved in the Consistory court (Dorsetshire division) of the late diocese of Bristol, 1681-1792, and in the Archdeaconry court of Dorset, 1568-1792, and in the several peculiars, 1660-1799, all now preserved at the probate registry, Blandford

History, genealogical and biographical of the Eaton families

Vital records of Sudbury, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

Genealogical history of the Duncan Stuart family in America : our branch and its connections; together with a tracing of the ancestry and origin of the various branches

James Thompson of Holden, Mass., and his descendants

History of Providence County, Rhode Island

The history and genealogies of ancient Windsor, Connecticut : including East Windsor, South Windsor, Bloomfield, Windsor Locks, and Ellington, 1635-1891 v. 1

Litchfield family in America

Litchfield family in America

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