Jane Dunbar in Genealogy Books

Jane Dunbar appears in at least 85 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Jane Dunbar

Pennsylvania genealogies, Scotch-Irish & German

History of the house and clan of Mackay : containing, for connection and elucidation, besides accounts of many other Scottish families, a variety of historical notices, more parti- cularly of those relating to the northern division of Scotland during the most critical and interesting periods, with a genealogical table of the clan

History of Butler County Pennsylvania

The book of MacKay, Part 2

Vital records of old Bristol and Nobleboro in the county of Lincoln, Maine : including the present towns of Bremen, Damariscotta, South Bristol, and the plantation of Monhegan; vol. 1

My Bradshaws and their allied families

Vital records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts, to the year 1850, Vol. 2

History of the descendants of John Whitman of Weymouth, Mass.

Index to the marriage licence bonds of the diocese of Cork and Ross, Ireland, for the years from 1628-1750, preserved in the Public record office of Ireland

The Scots peerage : founded on Wood's edition of Sir Robert Douglas's peerage of Scotland, containing an historical and genealogical account of the nobility of that kingdom, with armorial illustrations, Vol. 2

Dod's peerage, baronetage and knightage of Great Britain and Ireland for ..., including all the titled classes

If this Bob's your uncle, Di is your cousin : a genealogy of Ward and allied families

Annals of the town of Warren, in Knox County, Maine : with the early history of St. George's, Broad Bay, and the neighboring settlements on the Waldo patent

Mississippi cemetery and bible records; Vol. 03

The family of Burnett of Leys, with colateral branches : from the mss. of the late George Burnett

History of Thomaston, Rockland, and South Thomaston, Maine, from their first exploration, A. D. 1605; with family genealogies

A Roster of Revolutionary ancestors of the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution : commemoration of the United States of America Bicentennial, July 4, 1976, vols. 1-2; v. 01

Pennsylvania genealogies, chiefly Scotch-Irish and German

London parish registers : marriages at St. James', Duke's place. V. 3

Dod's peerage, baronetage and knightage of Great Britain and Ireland for ..., including all the titled classes

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