Jane Dickey in Genealogy Books

Jane Dickey appears in at least 42 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Jane Dickey

Vital records of Londonderry, New Hampshire : a full and accurate transcript of the births, marriage intentions, marriages and deaths in this town from the earliest date to 1910

Genealogy of the Fulton family, being descendants of John Fulton, born in Scotland 1713, emigrated to America in 1753, settled in Nottingham Township, Chester County, Penna., 1762 with a record of the known descendants of Hugh Ramsey, of Nottingham, and Joseph Miller, of Lancaster County, Pa.

Papers and records - Ontario Historical Society

Jefferson County, Indiana marriage records, 1811-1831

Sorting some of the Wrights of Southern Virginia : part VII, 1767 Francis Wright of Amherst County, his wife Mary (Hawkins) Wright and his descendants, Vol. 4

Genealogical and personal history of Beaver County, Pennsylvania; Vol. 02

Boyle genealogy. John Boyle of Virginia and Kentucky. Notes on lines of descent with some collateral references

The Canadian biographical dictionary and portrait gallery of eminent and self-made men, Ontario volume

History of Wayne county, Indiana, from its first settlement to the present time : with numerous biographical and family sketches

Descendants of John Thorndike of Essex County, Massachusetts

History of Wayne County, Indiana : together with sketches of its cities, villages and towns, educational, religious, civil, military, and political history, portraits of prominent persons, and biographies of representative citizens, history of Indiana and the Northwest Territory, embracing accounts of the prehistoric races, aborigines, Winnebago and Black Hawk Wars, and a brief review of its civil, political and military history v. 2

Genealogical and personal history of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania;

Lineages (numbers 1 to 1065) from August 15, 1900, date chartered by the General Society of Mayflower Descendants to February 3, 1973

History of Butler County Pennsylvania

Lineage book of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 019

History of Wayne County, Indiana from its first settlement to the present time : with numerous biographial and family sketches; embellished with upwards of fifty portraits of citizens and views of buildings

Boyle genealogy, John Boyle of Virginia and Kentucky : notes on lines of descent with some collateral references

"Grant County, Indiana, index of names of persons and of firms"

The Scotch-Irish in America : proceedings of the Scotch-Irish Congress

Wills, Scott County, Indiana, 1821-1889

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