Jane Devonshire in Genealogy Books

Jane Devonshire appears in at least 87 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Jane Devonshire

The county families of the United Kingdom

The county families of the United Kingdom; or, Royal manual of the titled and untitled aristocracy of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland ..

The family pen : Memorials biographical and literary, of the Taylor family of Ongar

The family pen. Memorials biographical and literary, of the Taylor family of Ongar

The county families of the United Kingdom; or, Royal manual of the titled and untitled aristocracy of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland ..

History, topography and directory of East Cumberland |h[microform] :|bcomprising its ancient and modern history, a general view of its physical features, agricultural condition, mines and minerals, trade, commerce and manufactures, statistics, &c., &c.

A genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage, together with memoirs of the Privy Councillors and knights; 1883

The baronetage of England, or, The history of the English baronets, and such baronets of Scotland, as are of English families : with genealogical tables, and engravings of their armorial bearing …, Vol. 2

An account of the de Majendie family, both French and English, from 1365 to the present century

The diary of John Evelyn, Vol. 2. 1665-1706

Past and present of De Kalb County, Illinois; v. 02

Revised Merritt records, 1977

The descendants of John Porter of Windsor, Connecticut, 1635-9, Vol. 2

The county families of the United Kingdom; or, Royal manual of the titled and untitled aristocracy of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland ..

Devonshire wills: a collection of annotated testamentary abstracts, together with the family history and genealogy of many of the most ancient gentle houses of the west of England

Wade Charles Wightman genealogical collection; v. 12

Selections from old Kerry records, historical and genealogical : with introductory memoir, notes and appendix

History of the noble house of Stourton, of Stourton, in the county of Wilts;

Old Pembroke families in the ancient county palatine of Pembroke

Hyde Park, its history and romance

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