Jan Dickinson in Genealogy Books

Jan Dickinson appears in at least 178 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Jan Dickinson

History of Hadley, including the early history of Hatfield, South Hadley, Amherst and Granby, Massachusetts

Bardwell/Bordwell descendants

History of Hadley : including the early history of Hatfield, South Hadley, Amherst and Granby, Massachusetts

History of Hadley : including the early history of Hatfield, South Hadley, Amherst and Granby, Massachusetts

The register of the parish of Hackness, Co. York, 1557-1783

Pennsylvania archives. Second series. V. 08

Pennsylvania archives. Second series : printed under direction of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Vol. 2

Pennsylvania archives. Second series. V. 02

Names of persons for whom marriage licenses were issued in the province of Pennsylvania previous to 1790


The registers of Brough under Stainmore, 1556-1812

Lincolnshire parish registers, marriages. V. 1

Lincolnshire parish registers, marriages. V. 6

The register of the parish of Settrington, 1559-1812

Pennsylvania archives. Second series : printed under direction of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Series 2 Vol 4

Yorkshire marriage registers, West Riding : [1540-1837]. V. 4


The registers of Whicham, 1569-1812

The Registers of the parish church of Leeds; Vol. 07

U. S. Army register - v. 1

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