Jacob Duvall in Genealogy Books

Jacob Duvall appears in at least 36 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Jacob Duvall

John Drown of Marietta, Ohio, and his descendants

"History of York and Lancaster Counties, Pa"

Missouri, the center state, 1821-1915 V. 4

Marriage records, Prince George's Co., Maryland, 1777 to 1836

General alumni catalogue

Our Kin : being a history of the Hoffman, Rhyne, Costner, Rudisill, Best, Hover, Hoyle, Wills, Shetley, Jenkins, Holland, Hambright, Gaston, Withers, Cansler, Clemmer and Lineberger families

Md. queries v. 11; Maryland connections queries

Record of Pennsylvania volunteers in the Spanish-American War, 1898

Men of mark in Maryland, volume 2 : with an introductory chapter on the growth of Maryland

Warren County, Kentucky court order book I : January 27, 1851, September 15, 1858; book 1, pt. 2

Robert Wells of Clermont County, Ohio : and descendants, Vol. 2

History of Middlesex County, New Jersey, 1664-1920 : historical--biographical; v. 02

Maryland genealogies and historical recorder - v. 2

Archives of Maryland

The Hartford Times genealogical queries, answers, and note file; Vol .22b

The British invasion of Maryland, 1812-1815

A standard history of Starke County, Indiana : an authentic narrative of the past with an extended survey of modern developments in the reclamation of lands and the progress of town and country, v. 1, table of contents and index

Genealogy & history : devoted to American family and local history, and allied interests - v. 5, no. 2 (Mar. 1944)

Record of Pennsylvania volunteers in the Spanish-American War, 1898

Index to certified copy of list of American prisoners of war, 1812-1815 : as recorded in General entry book, Ottawa, Canada, list of American prisoners of war, who died at Princetown, Dartmoore, England, 1812-1815

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